Our history

Convoy Trans

The Difference in International Transport

It all started in 1994 in Thessaloniki where we founded Convoy Trans. In one of the most difficult and demanding fields of the Greek and global economy, that of transportation, we dared to believe in our capabilities and create an, above all, human, friendly but at the same time highly professional and responsible environment.

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Our Evolution

In 2003 we created our own facilities in Thessaloniki and in 2012 we established our branch in Athens.
In the last years, we expanded by providing Logistics services.

From the very first moment, until today, we are constantly making sure that we evolve, try and hope for the best.
And we do all the above because we know that it’s not only the destination that matters but the route as well.

Nothing is impossible

for those who are

willing to try

Alexander The Great (356-323 BC)